Awaken Me Page 7
I SAT ACROSS FROM IVA, watching her drink what looked like a juice box, but really it was blood. I was happy I couldn't see or smell it. I held the disgust from my face.
The food court was busy. It was lunchtime so the school kids and adults were out getting their doses of blood or food, and the buzz of gossip and laughter filled the room.
I was admiring a little girl who was adorable. She had brown hair pulled up in pigtails and a navy blue uniform; she was so lucky, no complications. All she had to worry about was homework. Her little girlfriends were giggling next to her. Oh, what I would give to be a kid again.
My life now held so many complications. One of them was the night of the masquerade ball. Alec’s kiss, had it been a dream or reality? I could almost feel it still. Did he kiss me because of the way I looked or was it something more? In fact, it had been consuming my every thought. Why did he make things so complicated? He should have just let me kiss Anthony! I don’t think Anthony’s kiss would have been like Alec’s. I was literally driving myself crazy! The constant reminder of Derek also lingered in my mind. I hadn’t had a moment to really grasp the reality of the loss of us.
Iva glanced at me. I’m sure she saw my readable expression. She set her "juice box" down and was staring at me. I peeked up at her through the tangles of my hair.
"Yes, Iva?" I asked.
She shifted in her chair and leaned closer to me.
“I know there is something wrong and you’re just not telling me." She was very observant with me. But, then again, my mood today was easy to get a read on.
“No, not really," I lied. I didn't want to talk about it.
"Aimee, I'm not dumb. I can sense it, as well as see it written all over your face." Iva was that good; I knew I couldn’t pass this by her.
"Fine. Alec kissed me. Happy now?" I was a bit surprised that I’d told her so quickly; maybe it was because I was thinking about it so much and wanted to burden someone else with the information. Iva however, didn't look shocked. She sat there, calm, while my emotions were in turmoil.
“You knew about it, didn't you?" I asked.
“Yes, I did," Iva said, not denying it.
My face blushed. “He told you?"
"Yes, well, actually, I sensed something happened when I saw him later that night. I can't believe you kept it to yourself for three days."
“What did he say, exactly?"
“I knew it would happen. How do you feel about it?" Iva asked, very slyly avoiding my question; she was loyal to Alec just as much as she was to me. This was a losing battle.
“What are you, a shrink?" I asked, laughing. “I honestly don't know how I feel. He caught me off guard. And even though Derek and I are over, I still have mixed feelings. I'm trying to figure things out still."
She nodded in understanding. “Makes sense. I told him he rushed things."
“Is that why he's been avoiding me?" I asked.
“He’s not exactly avoiding you. He just needs to think straight."
Wonderful, now I had to imagine what he told her. Iva was just that good. I can’t believe she wouldn’t spill anything about what he said. Not even a breadcrumb of information. Instead, I think she liked having a hold on me.
Iva took a sip of the juice box as she looked at me thoughtfully. I began playing with a strand of my hair as I eyed the juice box.
“How old are you and Alec?”
“Same age as you, 23,” she said, taking another sip of blood.
“And what is it like being a vampire? Did it hurt when you were awakened?"
She smiled and tilted her head. Her grey eyes shined with amusement.
“All your senses are enhanced; we are fast and strong. We also have night vision. It's pretty cool. We used to talk about it all the time when we were in school.” She looked sad at bringing up that memory. “It did hurt a little. But I think it was worth it.”
“How does it work, being awakened?” I asked.
“Well, the elders awaken us. They are the oldest in our community. It's a whole ceremony and we drink their blood and they bite us.”
I cringed at the thought of drinking blood; I most likely would have vomited right before and embarrassed my family. It took every ounce not to scrunch my nose up in disgust.
“Do you have to drink their blood? And do you struggle with wanting to kill anyone?”
Her smile grew, and she rolled her eyes. “We don’t have to drink their blood, we already have the genes of our ancestors, but it’s a tradition that has been passed down.…And I don't struggle with cravings down here, but when Alec called me to tell me he found you and that you were getting services at the hotel, that made things a bit harder. But that was simply because I'm not around humans enough. We have a subway under here, and that's usually how we travel. Only occasionally do we use the cars."
“Subways?” I asked.
“Yes, we have many communities like this all over Europe. Also in America, but we have special travels to get there.”
“That’s different.” That interested me, traveling all over, by subways.
“Was Alec looking for me for long?" I asked.
“Yes, for six years. He never gave up on you. Neither did I. But he was braver and went looking for you after he awakened." Studying her juice box, I could tell she was in thought.
I didn't expect Alec to be the rescuer type; he was mysterious, sexy, Greek god like, with his wavy brown hair, ice grey eyes, and a body like a tennis player. Not to mention how perfect his features were. But who would have guessed a rescuer, too? I smiled at the thought of having him save me, a sexy Italian rescuer for that matter. The more I thought about it, the more I realized he was a protector. The masquerade ball had proved that.
But, I couldn’t help but wonder if he would ever tell me this.
“Do you know how long he will be staying away from me?" I asked, snapping myself out of my own head.
“I do not. Please don't tell him I told you anything when you do see him. He would be mad at me. Or embarrassed. ”Iva said sternly.
I was about to laugh when I heard my name being called. I glanced around; it was a man’s voice. I recognized it but wasn't sure yet who it was.
“Who are you looking for?” Iva asked, puzzled.
Iva disappeared in front of me as my vision went unfocused; I felt like I was standing in a thick fog. I was engulfed in blackness. All I could hear echoing around me was my name. The returning terror filled me.
"Aimee." The man’s voice was calling. I could feel the hair on my arms stand on edge.
The fog around me cleared up, as well as the blackness. I was standing in a forest. It was so beautiful, so green and lush. A stream was near; I could hear it. The sun was setting and the colors of the sky where amazing, orange and pink mixed with red. I was so caught up in the forest I almost overlooked a tree closest to me, it wasn’t the tree that caught my eye, but who was standing by it. I saw him, Derek, in his khakis and white polo shirt. He was smiling coolly at me. I had almost forgotten what his face looked like.
"Derek?" I asked, unsure; fear was written all over my face.
His movement was fast. He stood in front of me; his green eyes deep like the forest. I heard another sound. Footsteps. His father emerged. His dad had the same sharp features as Derek, but something about him always scared me. His dad, Nathan, stood there and just smiled at me. His smile was sinister.
"Is this a dream?" I asked, perplexed.
“No, it's not." When Nathan spoke his voice was cold.
I felt fear growing deeper within me.
“What is going on?" I asked, backing away from them.
"Aimee, we aren't going to hurt you," Derek said.
"I don't believe you. What do you want, then?"
“We want to know where you are." A tingling sensation washed over me, like he was searching my brain for the answer. I couldn't shut him out. I wanted to scream,
but nothing came out. "Hmmm, it appears you don't even know," Nathan said. His cold eyes narrowed on me.
Derek reached for me; he was inches away from me, and as he got closer, my heart was racing. I felt like I was being shaken, roughly.
My eyes became focused and it took me a moment to realize it was Iva shaking me. I was still sitting in the chair. How had I not fallen out? I quickly glanced around to see if anyone was watching me. No one even seemed to care. The court was still in its own world.
Iva was calling me from a distance; I could hear her, but all I could think about was the sudden realization that this wasn’t the first time Derek had contacted me. Back at the Enclave in Greece, when I’d thought I was dreaming. I touched my face. I was startled by my sudden epiphany.
"Aimee? Can you hear me?" Iva was asking, she sounded worried. Her expression was terrified.
"I ... I don't know what happened. I'm really scared … Iva, I don't know what's happening to me. Do you think I'm going crazy?" I asked in a whisper.
“Okay, calm down.…” Iva placed her hands on my shoulders, looking directly into my hazel eyes. “Can you tell me what you saw?" Iva asked in her same calm voice, able to collect herself so well.
I took a deep breath. “Think hard, Aimee.” I said to myself.
“I was in a forest, and Derek and his dad, Nathan, were there with me. Nathan was trying to read my thoughts; he wanted to know where I was. He couldn't find it, though, due to me not knowing where I was."
I put my face in my hands, trying to take away the images. With one fluid motion, Iva was standing and glancing down at me. I could see that warrior coming out.
"Come with me," she said, rapidly taking my hand.
The thought of the movie Terminator flashed into my mind. I was clearly not laughing at the situation, but I wanted to laugh at Iva saying, “Come with me if you want to live.”
"Where?" I asked.
"To the bottom layer. We need to talk to someone who might know what to do."
The bottom layer? I didn’t even have enough time to grasp what she was talking about. She was already pulling me to my feet.
Iva was leading me down that hallway I got lost in the first day I was here. The same earthy smell greeted us. Coming to a halt in front of the mysterious door, she pressed what I assume was a doorbell of some sort. Messy brown hair, green eyes, tan, Marcus opened the door, to my surprise, looking very hot. Literally, it was really hot down here, like we were in a boiler room. He had beads of sweat on his neck and his tank showed signs of perspiration. On someone else, I would find it dirty, but on Marcus, it looked really sexy. My smile grew, and I briefly forgot why I was actually here.
"Marcus, we need to see Teeker," Iva said, in a pushy voice. Marcus looked at me and smiled.
"What, no hello?” Marcus said.
“We don’t have time!” Iva said.
“There is always time for a hello!” he said, being stubborn, with his nice crooked smile. His teeth were so white against his tan.
“Fine. Hello!” Iva said, dangerously close to losing her collected self.
“That wasn’t so hard. And I can take you to him," Marcus said, pushing the door open wide so we could enter.
Inside this “bottom layer” wasn’t exactly savage, but it also wasn’t a place you would want to take your shoes off. The floor was black concrete, and there was dirt in some places; tree roots were creeping around the walls. It was one big open room, with caves lining the sides. The center had a large fire pit, something similar to a bonfire pit when camping, but ten times larger. They didn’t mess around with the small stuff.
The werewolves were lounging around, either reading or cooking, or playing fighting games with each other. We got a few glances here and there, looks of curiosity and, by the looks of it, we are the only females there. This was confirmed when they smiled at Iva and me.
“Wait here; I’m going to tell Teeker you’re here to see him," Marcus told us smoothly as he walked into a large cave. I was wondering if we were going to get attacked by the crowd of men still ogling us.
"Why are we here?" I whispered to Iva.
"To get answers. Teeker will know things that will help us."
“Who?” I asked. What kind of name was Teeker?
“An old werewolf,” Iva said.
Standing and waiting made me wish that Alec were with us; at least he could protect us. Although, Iva, I’m sure, would be a good guard, also.
Moments later, Marcus came out, smiling.
"He is ready for you," Marcus said in his thick Romanian accent, which was rich sounding in the cave.
We followed him in. It was like a council room, but not as formal, with boulders as seats. I noticed the man they called Teeker immediately; old was an understatement. He was ancient looking, like he could croak at any moment. He had a small cane and a long, silver beard. His eyes were worn and tired, his skin was leathery, like he had gotten way too much sun in his glory days. How long did werewolves live? Two hundred years?
"Hello, Teeker, thank you for seeing us on short notice," Iva said.
"Aww, Aimee. I’ve heard much about you. Even in our world, you were a great topic," Teeker said ignoring Iva. His smile was twisted; his voice was frog-like with a thick accent of some sort. I could barely make out what he was saying to us. His breath I could smell, and it was like something had died in his mouth.
I stood even closer to Iva, trying to breathe in her perfume.
"I know why you have come; I can sense the bond right away." Teeker said.
"The bond?" I asked, confused.
"Yes, the ones who were going to turn you. It’s a part of the process, once they erase your mind. It takes a great deal from that werewolf who initiates the process. That werewolf makes you connected to them, like part of a pack. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve talked with them."
"They can’t be the ones who captured me, though. I had been living with them for six years and they are human and they never turned me," I said.
“If they make contact with you and you think it’s a dream, but it feels so real at the same time, then it’s the bond, and yes, they took you," Teeker said breathlessly.
Trying to grasp that concept was hard for me. How could Derek and Norman be werewolves? I had never seen them change their forms or treat me badly. I’m not even turned! My heart felt like it was going to explode.
“What am I?” I asked.
“You are one of a kind. Genes of a vampire, but I sense something else, something stronger within you. I’m surprised the Rogues didn’t turn you, it’s the final stage after they erase your mind," he said, studying me.
"Which is?" I asked cautiously, almost afraid of the answer. The old man just looked at me with such sadness.
“Being bitten. Your eyes will continue to change color from hazel to honey brown along with your moods. It’s almost like when we change. Our eyes change first. It’s our sign, that’s when we can be most dangerous, the most powerful."
Eyes change color? Signs of turning? I glanced at Iva, who was so quiet and still, she was squinting and her eyebrows rose in the way she does so perfectly.
"What would happen if I decided to be awakened?" I asked.
“I’m not sure; most Yurnlings who are taken are turned and I wouldn’t know the effect it would have on you if you chose to be awakened. The Rogue who took you will try to retrieve you at all costs. As long as he lives he will always have that bond over you and he will be able to find you. I also presume he wants you as his bride."
Bride? I felt an overwhelming sickness sweep over me. If I hadn’t met Alec, my fate would have been ultimately to be a werewolf. I never would have known my true identity.
"Why would he want me now? He didn’t change me for all those years," I blurted out.
“That is a mystery; only he would know the reason. If you awaken I can sense you will be very strong and powerful, I’m guessing the same g
oes if you turn Rogue. But, then again, I can sense another power in you, if the rumors are true."
Rumors? I was the last one to find things out. I really didn’t like it, either.
This old man was rambling on and I didn’t know what he was talking about. Glancing over at Iva for support, I almost forgot that Marcus was in the cave with us still. He was so quiet. He watched the old man with such respect.
"Thank you for all the information, Teeker." Iva was turning to leave until the old man touched me. A wave passed through me at his touch.
His eyes became lit with something unseen.
"You have a gift. It will be quite useful once you learn how to use it," he said as he released my arm.
I wanted to ask, but Teeker had already begun walking back to his room. I wondered if Marcus would help him. But Teeker was faster than I thought was possible; he was already almost there.
My mind began to focus on “the gift” Teeker mentioned and what would happen to me. I looked at Iva. She was curious, too. Her eyes watched me. Marcus followed behind our exit.
"Marcus," Iva said, apparently not trusting him like Teeker.
"Thank you for helping us … well, me." I said.
"You’re welcome. Anytime. Too bad you aren’t turned, we could have been...." He let the end of that sentence trail off. I smiled. I was dumbfounded by everything I just heard.
It was bad enough Derek was a murderer who had killed my close friend. But, to find out my family were really vampires and I’m some weird Yurnling thing and then to come to the realization that Derek was a werewolf, and Elizabeth, Derek’s mother, was a werewolf was just crazy. I couldn’t believe that she had lied to me. Six years. My mind was boiling with anger and confusion. Everything had become so twisted.
Making our way to the exit of this werewolf lair I began to think. Would my life ever get easier? The answer was, probably not.
“Are you okay?" Iva asked once we reached the main court area.
I thought about it for a moment. The thoughts of me not being safe at all and death most likely happening if I stayed here sent terror through my body. What about that little girl I watched today or any of those children, for that matter? If Derek Sladen found me, what would become of any of us?
"That look is dangerous; what are you thinking?" Iva asked.
"I’m putting you all at risk by me being here. I know who took me and he’s invading my head. I just realized the man I love is a werewolf and his whole family were wolves. They didn’t seem Rogue. They are wealthy and his mother Elizabeth is sweet and they lived in Florida. It’s all so unnatural.”
"Elizabeth was most likely a Yurnling also at one point. The males have to take female Yurnlings to breed with, because they don’t bear baby girls, just boys. And some they just take to expand their population. Maybe Derek’s family was more like leaders of their kind?" Iva said.
“So, werewolf Rogues take girl Yurnlings to breed with because they can only have boys?” I asked.
“Yes, it’s why they depend on us, the Yurnlings, so much.”
“What happens if they marry an already awakened vampire?” I asked.
“I don’t think there has ever been a case like that, so I wouldn’t know.”
Derek was still present in my thoughts and the image of Krissy’s murder had not been easy, either.
“Derek killed my friend. That’s why I left; I witnessed it,” I said quietly. I needed to tell her; it was consuming me.
Iva stopped walking; her eyes were filled with compassion.
“I know,” was all she said.
How did she know? I looked at her, puzzled.
“Alec saw it also,” Iva said quietly.
Of course, that’s why he was on the dock. Something else that Teeker said piqued an interest in me.
The thought of having powers intrigued me, probably a little more than it should have. I wondered what my power was that the old man spoke of. And, better yet, how could I obtain it?
"The old man said something about me having a gift? Do you have one?"
"I don’t, but Alec does," Iva said.
"What is it?"
"Being able to compel anyone he wishes. He told me that once.” She paused, looking around the court. We stood close to the hall we just came from; being lazy, I was sitting on the floor.
“We should find your mother and tell her what we know." Iva was already helping me to my feet when she suggested that thought.