Awaken Me Read online

Page 3


  WAKING UP WITH NO LIGHT coming in the room was a strange feeling. There weren’t any windows here. I didn’t have a clue as to what time it was, either. But where I was, exactly, would be a better question to ask. My mind almost immediately began replaying the previous events. First, my ex fiancé was a murderer. And not only that, but he killed my best friend, Krissy. Second, I got into a car with a complete stranger and ended up God only knows where, with no answers to any of my questions. This whole endeavor had become a very annoying predicament to be in. My feelings were still there for Derek. I tried not to think about him, but it was hard when those thoughts consumed me. Then there were these new feelings for Alec. What did Alec even know about me? And let’s not even mention the attraction that was there. Yes Aimee, you’ve really done it this time. I thought to myself. Driving yourself mad must be your specialty. After taking a much-needed shower, I proceeded to the closet. Alec was right about my clothes. They were all here. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a cute tank top. Looking at my reflection, I noticed something different about my eyes, but maybe I was just imagining it. It wouldn’t be the first time. Shaking the towel off of my wet hair, I began combing the knots out. That was one thing I really hated about long hair, the knots. Hopefully today I would be getting some answers about everything. It was highly unlikely, but I could still hope.

  Going over to the king-sized, canopy bed, I sat down to put socks on and I noticed a picture on the nightstand. Nothing out of the ordinary about the picture itself, but it was something behind the picture that caught my eye; the first picture was slipping enough to see a second behind it. Opening the back of the frame, the picture that had been hiding fell to the floor. Reaching down and turning it over, I just froze; the girl in the picture was Iva, but next to her was … me?

  I looked at it more closely, the same sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes, and soft curves. Was that possible? Had I been here before like the older woman, Rosemarie, had suggested? Why was everything so complex? I didn't have time to dwell on that thought because a knock at my door startled me. I put the picture under my pillow and ran to the door.

  Iva stood there, smiling at me, looking a bit more relaxed as far as Iva went. Something else was strange about her, but I couldn’t quite place it.

  "How did you sleep last night?" she asked solemnly.

  "Great. I passed out as soon as I lay down," I said, crossing my arms.

  "I see you found your clothes,” she said, glancing at what I was wearing. “You must be hungry."

  Until she suggested it, I hadn't realized just how hungry I was. Iva gestured toward my grumbling stomach; I hadn’t even heard it. Iva continued to smile at me as she turned to leave the room.

  Iva shut the door behind me and I followed her closely. "What do you feel like eating?"

  "Anything. I’m not a picky eater," I said as I stifled a yawn. The hall still had the fresh, vacuumed scent.

  I had almost forgotten how extraordinary this place was. We entered the main court area and the chandeliers that hung from the ceiling gave off bright light. It was so cheery, yet it made me feel on edge and unsure of my surroundings. The old, white brick walls surrounded this place; one would never think it was underground. The floor was made of dark granite, and it sparkled as the lights shone on it. The ceiling was brick, like Chicago brick, old. Some of the structures, like the school, had an older feel to them, with their large wooden doors and smooth walls. The school gave off the essence of an antique horror movie. I personally wouldn’t go inside.

  This place seemed to have a little of everything as far as shops; I noticed more clothing stores than anything else. I felt like I was in a mall, a very upscale mall.

  The food court area was buzzing with people. This place also had a homey feel. At least that’s the vibe I got. Seeing everyone saying hello or hugging, it was a community.

  One thing about me is that I’m unable to conceal my facial expressions. So, I was sure I had a look of awe, mixed with anxiety, all over my face.

  We ended up at a bakery, and it smelled wonderful. It was a tight fit, not exactly cozy, more stifled than comfortable;, the walls were painted deep brown and made the place seem smaller than it probably was.

  I sat at a table close to the entrance as Iva went in to fight the crowd of kids. I was hoping she would order me a variety of things.

  It was strange to me, the no-windows thing; I didn’t know what time it was, if it was day or night. I glanced at Iva, who came out of the bakery with a number of bags in her arms. She had on an annoyed expression as one of the small boys nearly tripped her. She reached me and began organizing the food bags in front of me. Iva seemed to be OCD, and I probably wouldn’t be far off in that assumption.

  As soon as Iva took the food out of the wrappers, I forgot my woes and dug into the closest croissant. She chuckled at me, amused. My usual self would have made a face, but the croissant with the chocolate filling was delicious! Nothing could distract me from it. I sighed deeply. Iva’s smile broadened as someone approached behind me.

  “Alec," Iva said. As Alec moved into my peripheral vision, he just nodded and sat next to her, looking at her. His perfectly proportioned face was relaxed as he sat across from me; his brown locks were damp from the shower he probably just took. Alec was a fine specimen for me to admire.

  It was nice seeing him; there was something deeper about him I couldn’t ignore, besides the obvious looks. Alec’s grey eyes looked at me confidently. I didn’t realize I was smiling, my heart fluttered mid-chew. I heard a soft chuckle. Iva sat there watching me also. Why was she laughing? Maybe she could read thoughts. If that were the case, she would be utterly confused with mine.

  “So what's on the agenda today? Any hope of getting answers?" I asked, hopeful, as well as avoiding the subject that most likely would have come up after Iva caught me staring.

  “Some things will be answered. But not by me, I'm afraid." Iva's voice was soft and sweet, mixed with her heavy Italian accent. She had her hair pulled into a tight bun and her black pencil skirt was really cute. I wanted to shake her, to make her more relaxed instead of so uptight-looking.

  "Aimee, I wish I could tell you everything. Please be patient. I can read your expression, and it's telling me you’re going to either run or have a tantrum," Alec said in his deep Italian accent.

  In fact, I had been debating those thoughts while I sat there. Alec was really good at reading me, for someone who just met me. I sat up a bit straighter.

  "Don’t act like you know me! Neither of you does! And now I'm thinking I should have just faced my ex fiancée!" After those words left my mouth I saw a change in Alec’s expression. Was it anger, hurt, annoyance? I couldn't read his face as well as he did mine. But did it matter? They didn’t know me!

  “Then why did you come with me?" Alec asked quietly.

  Iva moved uncomfortably. Now she looked like she was going to bolt. I scowled at Alec over my hot chocolate, putting as much intimidation in my eyes as I could. His eyes widened as he focused on mine. Iva, I realized, was also looking at my eyes. They started to freak me out a little and my intimidation went out the window. I sat, slouched, and leaned back into my chair.

  “What’s wrong?" The words left my mouth uncertainly.

  Shaking his brown hair away from his eyes, he placed his guarded look back up.

  “Nothing is wrong," Alec said. His lips went into a hard line. Was he lying to me?

  “Right. I need to use the rest room, are you going to escort me there or can I take myself?"

  "I trust you will be okay to take yourself. Do you know where it’s located?" Alec said as his eyebrow rose, making a perfect arch.

  "Yes, I think I can manage," I said, wondering if I could actually find the bathroom.

  "It’s past this bakery on the left-hand side," Iva said. Simply nodding, I set off in that direction. Most likely I’d end up lost. Some things are inevitable with me. One thing being that I
have always seemed to attract danger to myself and, two, I usually wind up getting lost.

  I passed small children, who eyed me cautiously; one brave little girl smiled at me. A very attractive, dark-haired guy flashed a crooked grin at me, and I revealed my pearly whites to him.

  I turned down the hall, hoping that the bathroom was here. I noticed this hall was dark and creepy, almost like the alley I met Alec in, except it was enclosed and had a strange smell I couldn’t quite figure out.

  There were three different doors to choose from. I didn't see any picture of a woman on a door; all I saw were words, but in another language. “Wonderful," I said aloud. I guessed I would have to check all three.

  The middle door turned out to be a broom closet. So, door number one it was. Possibly. Opening the door, I got a rush of cold air in my face. It felt like a refrigerator. The blue light was dull and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. The hair on my arms started to prickle when my vision became clear. I gasped in horror, a silent scream building in my throat, unable to come out. Shock rushed over me. Blood, bags of blood like what you would see at a hospital or a blood mobile, or a crazy horror movie. My body froze at the sight around me. This was a refrigerator. A refrigerator filled with blood.

  I began to back away, and I scurried out of the room, shutting the door behind me. Horrified at what I had just seen, an overwhelming terror swept over me. Leaning against the wall in the hall, for support, I tried to calm myself; taking deep breaths didn’t work. The question was there, planted in my brain: These people—what were they? Was I in danger? I could feel the light shivers that ran through me; I was petrified.

  The hall I stood in still led to somewhere and anywhere was better than waiting for my sentence. Whatever that would be. I decided it was time for me to run away, again. Walking seemed awkward as my heart pounded in my chest. So, I began running down the hall without caring if anyone saw me, not that they would anyway. My breathing became heavier. I realized the floor started to slant. Was it possible to be going further underground?

  The hall split into a cross. Making a sharp left, I followed it further. My pace became less urgent and I slowed to a walk, trying to focus on where I was going. Everything about this hall was strange; the lights began to flicker as if winds were sweeping across them. I stopped walking to catch my breath, and I noticed a door at the end of the hall. This door was made of the same metal as the elevator in the garage. I slowly made my way toward it.

  The walls were rough, mixed with dirt and concrete, some tree roots peeked out, the temperature was warmer and smelled earthy, and even the floor was dirt. I was almost to that door when a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I felt a scream building in my chest, and that warm heat deep within me returning. The person placed a warm hand over my mouth swiftly.

  "Be quiet!” The man said, almost like he sensed the scream that was coming as well as something else. He was tense as he held me close to him.

  “What are you doing down here?" the unknown man asked me in a husky voice. His accent was Romanian.

  "I, I got lost." I told him some of the truth. “But, I didn’t know where I was, and I was trying to leave.”

  "It isn't safe down here; Ill escort you back." The light grew brighter as we walked. I finally got to see what this mystery man looked like, and good God! His tight black T-shirt defined his muscles. His hair was messy, short, and dark brown. His eyes were a brown, honey color. A smile slipped up from somewhere inside me.

  "Who are you?" I asked. Once again, the question of the day. All I had been asking was who these people were!

  Glancing at me briefly, all he said was, "Marcus."

  "Nice to meet you, Marcus. I’m Aimee." His fast-paced walking stopped and he turned quickly toward me. My breathing also stopped. He examined my face for the first time and his features lit up. A tiny smile was sneaking up the corners of his lips. Unlike Alec, he didn’t try to hide it. He had a casual way about him.

  "I thought I had heard wrong, but the rumors are true, then," Marcus said.

  People were talking about me? I became intrigued about what people were saying, but decided not to ask.

  "Do you work down here?" I asked.

  "I was on guard today. But it’s not my usual post." We entered the opening and Alec stood there along with Iva. Both of them looked angry with me, nothing new. It really irked me. I was a grown woman, for heaven’s sake. I kept my face calm as I waited for them to interrogate me.

  "Aimee, you passed the bathroom,” Iva said, making a point. A smart remark was at my lips but I decided to behave.

  “I knew after a while you went down the wrong hall." Iva's concern caught me off guard; there was warmth behind her ice-grey eyes.

  I still wouldn’t give into them. And why would I? I wasn’t sorry. These people could be killers for all I knew.

  Alec just nodded at Marcus, not even looking at the sexy man next to me. I felt another grin cross my lips.

  "Thank you, Marcus, for bringing me back," I said, in a sassy kind of way. Alec had disgust written all over his face and openly shared it, his eyes narrowed on me.

  Marcus smiled at me before turning to leave; I watched him as he disappeared around the corner. Alec was suddenly in my face.

  “Do you have any idea the danger you were just in?" Alec said, holding my shoulders. His calm attitude was on the verge of snapping. Alec was pretty tall and I felt short under his gaze. And I was a tall girl at 59”.

  "No, I didn't, because no one seems to tell me anything. I was lucky, then, to run into Marcus," I said, backing away from Alec, remembering why I had run in the first place. In fact, I should have been terrified of them.

  "HA. Yes, he wasn’t dangerous just now, but there are things you should be aware of, Aimee. This place has certain dangers. One of them, you just walked in on. Some things never change." That haunted look returned to his eyes. “Just, please, next time think before you run."

  I leveled my eyes with Alec’s. “Can you explain the bags of blood?” I blurted out, catching Iva and Alec off guard. “I think I have a right to know what dangers you speak of." I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. Iva and Alec exchanged looks.

  "That is something I can't tell you." His eyes softened.

  “You can’t tell me? Right, this is why I’m so confused and angry, because you won’t tell me things. Why should I stay?” I could feel my anger escalating as well as my voice; a few passers glanced at me curiously.

  Iva and Alec glared at each other, clearly not knowing what to do.

  "Perhaps we should take her to see Rose?" Iva suggested, taking a breath.

  "Rose said she would summon us when the time was right … but what If we just showed up?” Alec pondered that thought for a moment. Running his hands through his tresses, he clearly was frustrated. “Okay," he said, and Alec abruptly began walking; it took a moment for his actions to sink in. Iva, however, in sync with Alec, was moving. The sudden turn in events made me worried; did I want to see Rose? Why couldn’t they just tell me what they knew?

  Before I knew it we were on the other side of the court when Alec motioned to Iva with a nod. She disappeared into the crowd. Facing me, Alec looked straight into my eyes; my breathing stopped. I should have been terrified of Alec, but I wasn’t.

  "Aimee, I cannot go with you. I will speak with the secretary at the front desk, but you will be going alone." In Alec’s eyes I saw more than concern.

  "I have been alone most my life, I doubt whatever the old lady has to say to me will change anything."

  His lips went into a hard line. “You haven’t been alone your whole life!" he said as he went to speak with the secretary at the desk. I stood next to a large koi pond, with a fountain bubbling in the middle. The desk where the woman sat was in front of a large glass door. All the buildings had unique forms. There were different names on the front of each store. My fingers were going numb due to me squeezing my hand
s so hard. I had no idea what was to come. Alec caught my eye and signaled me to come to him. I took unsure steps toward him.

  “Beth is going to escort you now. I’ll be waiting for you here," Alec said.

  "How long will I be in there?" My voice was shaking a little.

  "I don't know. Everything will be okay." He squeezed my shoulder, and the electricity returned with his touch, along with a flood of emotions. How I could feel, safe, terrified, and attracted all at the same time when I was with Alec was beyond me.

  "Aimee, I’m ready for you." The short woman named Beth was standing near the glass door. She wore a very arrogant expression, and even was more smug than I.